Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Alex's new book is out today!

Alexandra Sokoloff's new thriller Book of Shadows is out today from St. Martin's Press. I would have said it is "in bookstores today" but neither of the two Barnes & Nobel stores in West Des Moines nor the local Border's has it in stock. Grrrrrrrr.

So instead of going by and picking up a copy so I can tell you about it, I'll just quote what some other people said. Who obviously live in places with better bookstores 'cause they could get a copy. (I know, I know. They got galleys or ARCs to comment on. I'm just being my petulant self.)

(Cut and Paste time)

"A wonderfully dark thriller with amazing is-it-or-isn't-it suspense throughout.  Highly recommended." - Lee Child

"Sokoloff successfully melds a classic murder mystery/whodunit with supernatural occult undertones." - Publisher's Weekly

Jody and I met Alex at Bouchercon in Indianapolis. She was super-super fun to talk to about books and never blinked when I asked her to sign a copy of The Harrowing (her first novel and still my favorite) to "Plastic Santa."

Detective investigates killings with Satanic overtones and a witch shows up to help. Cool.
Can't wait to read Book of Shadows. Oh, wait. I guess I'll have to.
